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Our Story

The Mountain Conservation Trust was born because people care about the mountain environment.

The concern in 1991 was that much of the open land in North Georgia was being irresponsibly managed and carved into pieces not suitable for sustaining natural ecosystems.

In response to plans by Georgia Pacific to clear almost 800 acres of the steep, forested slopes abutting Oglethorpe Mountain, a group of 10 like-minded people* gathered at the home of Miriam and John Kiser. Socially and economically diverse, this group’s conversation began the journey to protect the southern tip of the Appalachian Mountains they called home. 

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Our Mission & Approach

The Mountain Conservation Trust of Georgia (MCT) is an accredited land trust dedicated to the permanent conservation of the natural resources and scenic beauty of the North Georgia foothills and mountains. With a mission focused only on the North Georgia mountains and foothills region, we serve as a regional catalyst for critical conservation efforts in North Georgia.

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